September 5, 2024 MGSSECURITY No Comments

Unarmed Security Guard Training: Step-by-Step Tips and Techniques


If you’re interested in becoming an unarmed security guard, there are a few things you need to know before getting started. Security guards play an important role in protecting people and property, and they must be properly trained in order to do their job effectively. Here is a step-by-step guide to unarmed security guard training, including tips and techniques that will help you succeed.

1. Complete a basic security guard training program. This will give you the foundation you need to start your career as a security guard. Be sure to choose a program that is accredited and approved by your state’s licensing board.

2. Get experience working as a security guard. Once you’ve completed your training, it’s time to get some real-world experience under your belt. Start by applying for entry-level positions at businesses and organizations in your area.

3. Consider pursuing advanced security guard training. If you want to advance your career, consider completing an advanced security guard training program. This type of training will provide you with more specialized skills and knowledge, making you more valuable to potential employers.

Security guards play an important role in keeping people and property safe, so it’s essential that they receive proper training before beginning their careers. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful unarmed security guard.

The Training Process

The training process for unarmed security guards can be broken down into a few key steps. Below, we outline what you need to do to train your security guards effectively:

1. Establish clear expectations. Before beginning the training process, it is important to establish clear expectations with your security guards. What are the specific duties and responsibilities of the job? What are the expectations for behavior and performance? By setting clear expectations from the start, you will help your security guards understand what is expected of them and give them a foundation on which to build their training.

2. Develop a comprehensive training program. Once you have established clear expectations, you can begin developing a comprehensive training program for your security guards. This program should cover all aspects of the job, from surveillance techniques to emergency procedures. It is important to make sure that your security guards are thoroughly trained in all aspects of their job in order to ensure their safety and the safety of those they are protecting.

3. Deliver the training program effectively. Once you have developed a comprehensive training program, it is important to deliver it in an effective manner. Your security guards should be given ample opportunity to ask questions and practice what they have learned in a safe and controlled environment. Only by delivering an effective training program will your security guards be prepared to do their job properly.

4. Evaluate results regularly. The effectiveness of your unarmed security guard training program should be evaluated on a regular basis. This will help you identify areas where

Physical Techniques

There are several different physical techniques that unarmed security guards can use to subdue and detain a suspect. The most important thing for security guards to remember is to never put themselves in harms way. With that said, here are some different physical techniques that unarmed security guards can use:

-Body holds: A body hold is when a security guard uses their body weight to force a suspect down to the ground. This technique should only be used if the suspect is not armed and poses no threat of serious bodily harm to the security guard or others.

-Pressure points: Pressure points are areas of the body that when pressure is applied, can cause pain or disable a person. Common pressure points include the temples, base of the neck, solar plexus, and groin. Again, this technique should only be used if the suspect is not armed and poses no threat of serious bodily harm to the security guard or others.

-Arresting techniques: There are various arresting techniques that unarmed security guards can use, depending on the situation. The most common arrest technique is putting the suspect in a wrist lock, which involves grabbing the suspects wrist and twisting it behind their back until they comply with commands. Another common arrest technique is an arm bar, which involves putting the suspects arm behind their back and applying pressure until they comply with commands.

Pepper spray

Pepper spray is a great way to deter an attacker and give you time to escape. Here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

-aim for the face, especially the eyes
-keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to spray
-disengage and escape as soon as possible after spraying
-know the wind direction and spray accordingly
-have a backup plan in case the pepper spray doesn’t work


If you are working as an unarmed security guard, there is a chance that you will need to make an arrest at some point in your career. While this can be a daunting task, it is important to remember that you have been trained to handle this type of situation. Here are some tips and techniques to help you through the process:

1. Remain calm and assess the situation.

2. Identify the individual who needs to be arrested and give them clear instructions.

3. Place your hands on the individual’s shoulders and guide them to the ground if necessary.

4. Once the individual is subdued, use handcuffs or zip ties to secure their hands behind their back.

5. Read the individual their Miranda rights if they are being placed under arrest.

6. Contact your supervisor or 911 to report the incident and request backup if necessary.


Handcuffing is a skill that every unarmed security guard should master. Here are some tips and techniques to help you perfect this important safety measure:

1. Always ensure that the subject’s hands are in front of their body before attempting to handcuff them. This will minimize the risk of injury.

2. When handcuffing someone, use gentle but firm pressure. Do not jerk or pull on the handcuffs, as this can cause pain or injury.

3. If possible, have another person present to assist you in handcuffing the subject. This will help to keep the subject under control and prevent them from escaping.

4. Once the subject is handcuffed, check the fit of the handcuffs to make sure they are not too tight or too loose. Adjust as necessary for comfort and security.

Verbal Skills

The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills that an unarmed security guard can possess. The ability to verbally de-escalate a situation, provide clear and concise instructions, and maintain a professional demeanor at all times can mean the difference between a safe and secure environment and a dangerous one.

In order to ensure that your security guards are able to effectively communicate with both staff and visitors, it is important to provide them with regular training on verbal skills. Here are some tips and techniques that you can use to help your security guards hone their verbal skills:

-Encourage them to practice active listening. This means really paying attention to what the other person is saying, rather than just waiting for your turn to talk. This will help them better understand the situation and diffuse any potential conflict.

-Role play different scenarios with them. This will give them the opportunity to practice their communication skills in a safe and controlled environment.

-Provide feedback after each role play so they can learn from their mistakes.

-Make sure they are aware of the importance of maintaining a calm and professional demeanor at all times, even when confronted with difficult or aggressive people.

Emergency Procedures

If you are ever faced with an emergency situation while working as an unarmed security guard, it is important to remember to stay calm and follow the proper procedures. Here are some tips and techniques to help you handle emergency situations:

1. Stay calm and assess the situation.

2. Call for backup if needed.

3. Notify the proper authorities if the situation warrants it.

4. Evacuate the area if necessary.

5. Do not try to take on armed criminals or assailants by yourself – wait for backup to arrive before taking any action.


Unarmed security guard training is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved. With this guide, we’ve outlined some tips and techniques to help you train effectively and efficiently. Being prepared for any situation that arises can make all the difference, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of these steps to ensure you are well-equipped for success on the job. Keeping yourself and those around you safe should be your top priority, so remember to put forth your best effort each time you complete your training!


address: PO Box 97 Glenroy, VIC 3046, Australia
phone number: 1300 73 11 73


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